Posts Tagged ‘about’


Posted: September 12, 2011 in Uncategorized
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Welcome to Station 717.  I thought it would be a good idea to have a site where we could all go to check out stuff that is all about US, the CrossFit 717 community.  Here you will find everything from nutritional information to lifting technique to weekend party photos and everything in between.  Some of this stuff might even look crazy but aren’t we all a little crazy in the first place?

I have added some neat features to help you navigate.  At the top of the page, you will find quick links to the CrossFit 717 main site and the 717 Photobucket page with all the WOD photos.  On the left, there is a links section where I have posted links I feel will be helpful to all of us in achieving our goals, whether they are as simple as loosening shoulder muscles (me) or as lofty as winning the CrossFit Games (Kofmehl).  Updates will come as regularly as I (or any of you) have something of interest to announce or pontificate about so check back often.  You can even subscribe to the blog and get emails when there is a new post.

This site will be constantly evolving so if you have any ideas about any of this, please let me know because I want this to be useful for everyone.  Happy reading!