Posts Tagged ‘angel stewart’

“Beyond the Athlete” is a new feature here on Station 717 where, through a series of questions, we will learn more about the people we sweat with every day.  The idea is to allow each of us the opportunity to show the 717 community what it is that makes us tick in and out of the Box.  Hopefully, we can all have a little fun with it and learn more about each other.  Who knows, maybe you use the same shampoo as another member but never knew it?  Boom, instant friendship.  The questions are pretty benign so none of you will have to reveal who it is you have a crush on at the Box or what you really say behind the coaches’ backs.  Besides, Boggs already knows you think he broods in the corner at parties; that’s how he lures you in.  My goal is to do this with everyone, new and old, so if you think this is optional you are sorely mistaken. Now, on to the interview.

Angel Stewart has graciously offered to be our first participant.  For those of you who don’t know Angel, she is a bad-ass chick who carries a gun (for her job, not because she is a hillbilly).  She is the poster child for our slogan, “Never Quit” and has never met a party she doesn’t like.  In fact, we can thank her and her roommate April for about half of the parties that have been thrown for the CrossFit brethren.  Her personality lifts us all up and it’s hard not to smile when she is around.  Without further ado, lets learn some more about Angel Stewart:

1. Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Kenmore, New York.  It’s a suburb of Buffalo.

2. What is your athletic background?

I don’t know that I’ve ever really considered myself to be an athlete.  Growing up, I was always very active and participated in several sports teams both through school and different community organizations.  I’ve tried my hand at softball, swimming, track & field, figure skating, cheerleading and dance (ballet, tap and jazz).  I never really found anything that I was particularly good at or that I wanted to stick with, so I just kept trying new things.

3. How did you get started with CrossFit?

A friend of mine in the military told me about it.  I had never heard of it before and it sounded really great.  I did an internet search to see if there was a Crossfit in the area and found Crossfit717!

4. How long have you been at CrossFit 717?

Proud member for about 7 months now!

5. What are your favorite exercises/WODs?

I love chippers….they are brutal, but you really feel like you’ve accomplished something when you’re finished.  I also love snatches 🙂
